Everything you need to know 
about our Digital Twin platform

Industry benchmarks estimate that the cost to maintain applications over their lifecycle can be up to 80% of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Twinit lowers the lifecycle maintenance costs of Apps by 50 – 75%. These savings provide significant Return on Investment (ROI) on the cost incurred on Twinit subscriptions. Where do these savings come from?

  • Technology changes: Twinit handles changes to underlying libraries, databases and middleware technologies. Changes to underlying backend technologies do not affect Apps that are built and deployed natively on Twinit.
  • Requirement changes: An App on Twinit is a collection of scripts deployed to a Twinit workspace. The scripts are easily modified to meet functional requirements that evolve over time. Changes to the App do not touch the more complex backend services they interact with, diminishing the cost of change.
  • Cyber security changes: While it is important for the App consider cyber security requirements, the bulk of remediation costs to mitigate progressively emerging cyber security risks are handled at the platform level.

The developer of an application receives an App ID (defined as a unique data model) from Twinit. The Intellectual Property associated with the App ID (Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights etc.,) is owned by the developer of the App. The Application data is owned by the subscriber of the workspace(s) associated the App ID. The subscriber could be the developer of the App or its customers. Twinit has no access to the code associated to the App ID, or the data associated with the App ID.

Twinit is available as a “Hosted and Managed Instance” or Twinit HMI for solution builders. Twinit HMI is currently deployed on AWS within the Western Europe (Ireland) region. It can be deployed in other regions if needed. Twinit also supports deployment on OCI and has been deployed by a licensee in OCI KSA. Twinit may be available on other hyperscale infrastructures in the future.

Twinit is multi tenanted in three levels. (a) It supports any number of organizations who use Twinit (b) It supports any number of discrete Apps that each organization may build, test, deploy and manage using Twinit (c) It supports any number of workspaces (or projects) for each of the Apps.

Yes, Twinit is available as a “Self Manged Instance” or Twinit SMI for enterprises and public sector entities, who can deploy and manage a Sandbox and Production environment of Twinit within their own AWS account. Other infrastructure options may be available in the future. A Twinit partner may offer services to deploy and manage Twinit SMI for their clients, or offload that to a Twinit partner who provides that service.

  1. Contact us to arrange a demo and scoping call.
  2. Sign up to digitaltwin-factory, get started with Twinit academy.
  3. Sign up for a co-creation partnership, get a free sandbox & support.
  4. Purchase a commercial subscription to use Twinit for your projects.

Talk to our team to find out more