About hero image

We’re committed to building the Digital Twin economy, with you.

The Twinit platform was conceived, architected and built from the ground up. It is built on modern software technologies by some of the best minds in the industry.

Twinit originated at Invicara in 2018

The development of Twinit originated at Invicara in 2018. Upon our readiness to launch the platform for general availably, Twinit Limited was spun out in April 2023, as a separate legal entity headquartered in Ireland.

We are a team of nearly 100 professionals across 10 time zones. We chose remote as a strategy to give ourselves the flexibility to bring the talent we needed to build the first fully composable platform for digital twin enabled applications.

It’s all about partnerships

Our mission is to build a platform and an ecosystem that empowers and enables our partners to participate in the Digital Twin economy
We aim to enhance human experiences with a highly sustainable technology architecture

Our values







We help you bridge the physical-digital divide

Icon 1 enterprises

Enterprises & Public sector

Unleash your ability to rapidly deploy solutions & services that create real commercial impact and accelerate business outcomes

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Icon 2 application developer

Co-creation partners

Resell Twinit, and transform your domain expertise into re-composable packaged solutions, diminishing time to value for your clients

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Icon 3 solution partners

Independent Software Vendors

Co-sell with us. If your software adds value to digital twin enabled Apps, we want to make it easier for our co-creation partners to integrate with your capabilities.

Contact Us

Talk to our team to find out more