Transform how your world works

Twin anything. Build, test, deploy and scale transformative solutions for your use cases. With agility & unmatched time to value.

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"Compose" your own digital twin solution. Twinit is your orchestra.
"Compose" your own digital twin solution. Twinit is your orchestra.
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Accelerate digital transformation

We help you bridge the physical-digital divide

Icon 1 enterprises

Enterprises & Public sector

Unleash your ability to rapidly deploy solutions & services that create real commercial impact and accelerate business outcomes

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Icon 2 application developer

Co-creation partners

Resell Twinit, and transform your domain expertise into re-composable packaged solutions, diminishing time to value for your clients

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Icon 3 solution partners

Independent Software Vendors

Co-sell with us. If your software adds value to digital twin enabled Apps, we want to make it easier for our co-creation partners to integrate with your capabilities.

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Twinit breaks down the barriers to digital transformation



Allows multiple development teams to simultaneously build Apps using standardised development patterns and harmonised tech stack



Twinit provides a composable architecture, enabling the creation of Apps and App modules that business analysts can compose for their business users

Reduce time

Reduced time to value

Enables Apps to be developed and adapted quickly, enabling businesses to get quick wins and respond rapidly to changing needs


Lowered cost & risk

Reduces the cost of App development, deployment, and management over its lifecycle, at lowered risk of vendor lock in and technology obsolescence



Apps on Twinit are cloud native, with performance scaling as needed to serve many projects and users. Apps are re-composable and therefore repeatable at low cost.



The platform provides a unified security framework, centralized authentication and authorisation, and minimized attack surfaces, when compared to several disparate apps

A platform like no other

Explore Twinit

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